St. Stanislaus Kostka Church

St. Kostka church is the prominent and oldest church in Chicago, located right along with the Kennedy Expressway. It was founded in 1887, the current building was building in late 1871 to 1881. The main highlights of this beautiful and historical church are painting over altar Tadeusz Zukotynski placing the baby Jesus in arms of the St. Stanislaus. It has very beautiful stained glass chandeliers and windows. Cardinal George designated this church as the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy.

Key Points When Visiting St. Stanislaus Kostka Church

Below are some important points that why you must visit this church when you visit Chicago.

this picture shows the St. Stanislaus Kostka Church


The church building has Renaissance Revival style architecture and it recalls beautiful glory days of Polish- Lithuanian. The bricks used in the construction of this church are yellow and have limestone accents. It has seating capacity for 1500 people that is the biggest beauty of this church. The beautiful artistic treasures look very beautiful, once you visit this beautiful church you’ll fall in love with its interior beauty. It has beautiful stained glass windows.

Additionally, to this beautiful church, two blocks physical plant complex of this church has a huge performance hall, a rectory, and convent, commercial school, and gymnasium. So if you visit Chicago must visit St. Stanislaus Kostka Church and you will love its architecture.

The architecture reminds us of past decades and tradition. St. Stanislaus is an important asset for Chicago people. The architecture is very strong and has historical value too. Once you see its beautiful architecture you’ll never forget its beauty.

Spiritual Healing

It’s a religious and spiritual healing church, people visit this church for their peace of mind. This church is very religious among the locals and christen people from all world came here to get spiritual peace. If you visit this church must visit this church and you’ll feel very light it heals your inner spirit and you feel very calm and relax.

this picture shows the church brings healing

If you want to heal your spirit and spend some time in a peaceful place with no worries must visit St. Stanislaus Kostka Church and you’ll feel very light and stress-free. Visiting this spiritual church will make your trip more beautiful. What is greater than visiting this spiritual and peaceful place to make your trip convert into a religious trip too. If you are planning to go to Chicago for a trip must note this place in your list and you’ll thank this beautiful place and visit every time you visit Chicago.